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Un viatge immersiu en una de les ciutats més importants del vell continent

A friendly way

There is no room for war. Never. After the Second World War, Rotterdam had to rebuild it’s buildings, streets, public transport network… Nowadays, the city vibes through bicycles, art and a wide range of activities that allow you to have fun anytime. For instance, the cubic houses (Kijk-Kubus) are a great example of contemporary art…

Into the loop

It’s not easy. When you want to be sustainable, you have to think out of the box… The Floating Farm is doing a “Transfarmation”, developing a farm on water. It is very close to the city and it creates a lot of sinergies with local businesses. The cow’s food is not only straw, but also…

The greener the better

Sometimes, when we talk about resilient projects we think in programs (or services) that have evolved through adversity. In this case, “Stadskwekerij de kas” started 5 or 6 years ago because a plant nursery business had to close down the green house facility. Right now, it is a volunteer project that works very close with…

Boots?! READY!

Have you ever traveled to a place for the first time and feel a connection with it? Well, that’s what I felt when I arrived today in Rotterdam. The breeze on my face, the sudden showers encouraging a late stroll, people riding bikes everywhere with a smile in their face… Very happy to be here!…

Entre paraules

Sovint ens plantegem nous reptes, projectes o idees que ens permeten créixer i compartir noves vivències amb els altres. Projecte Rotterdam, neix amb la idea d’ésser un viatge atemporal, tenint en compte aspectes com la sostenibilitat, el canvi climàtic o la regeneració urbana i amb l’objectiu de poder compartir-ho amb tots vosaltres. Aquesta vegada però,…

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